Monday, October 4, 2010

Some Not So Subtle Ventage

Notes, vents, and general gibberish from that thing which we call The Guam Desk.

When a person is so grossly severely obese that they need a motorized cart to carry their asses around Kmart or the grocery store, they are not handicapped, and should not be entitled to handicapped parking. Their hands and arms are more than capable of transporting massive quantities of food to their mouths. I thought I’d seen horribly fat people before I moved to Guam, but there are some people here who give the obese a bad name. When you are wider than you are tall, you have a problem.

I have no problems with people who have struggled to keep their weight down, but there are folks on this island who never even put up a fight.

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Speaking of food, it’s about time to say something about the folks at Payless Supermarkets, the largest supermarket chain here on Guam. My questions are for the people who own and manage the stores. Are you out of your fucking minds with the prices you’re charging? I know, the price of food has risen over the years, but you people are really screwing us hard. Not all of us are on food stamps, and actually pay for the food we eat with the money we earn, so I’ll ask the question again: Are you out of your fucking minds with the prices you’re charging? And on the subject of pricing, how about making sure that every item on your shelves has a price located in the general vicinity of said item. What are we supposed to do, guess how much it costs?

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Good news on the cigarette front. The Bride and I have found a new source to purchase our highly illegal Filipino cigarettes from. “Illegal” in the sense that we pay no Guam Sin Tax (GST) when we purchase said cigarettes, even though they’re marked up nearly 1000% from what they can be purchased for in the Philippines. Still better than paying $6.50 a pack for American smokes, half of which is GST.

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I know that kids will be kids, and sometimes children act a fool. I am a parent, and I’ve been there and done that, even though my daughter was never one to act badly. I say this because there are parents who just let their children run wild, then wonder when something bad happens to them. This thought crossed my mind recently while at the laundry, when a small child stood on top of a table and screamed her lungs out while her mother stood beside her doing absolutely nothing. Just let her scream, not caring that there were probably 30 other people who really didn’t want to hear it.

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There is a group of older Korean men that meet every morning in the McDonalds next to where I work. They sit and talk and drink coffee every morning, babbling away in Hangul to each other. I wouldn’t have a problem with this except for the fact that they are extremely loud, and don’t seem to care that they might possibly be disturbing other people. That and the fact that at least one of them but probably more than one has some personal hygiene issues that they need to deal with. You can actually smell them from 10 feet away, and that’s not something anyone needs to deal with when trying to get their Egg McMuffin on.

That is all ye know and all ye need to know from here on the beautiful island of Guam, where the beaches are beautiful, the traffic horrible, and the children are all above average.

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